Environmental responsibilities of ministries and other bodies
Several ministries are responsible for implementation of activities relates to environmental issues, as outlined in relevant legislations. As defined by the Law on Ministries, the relevant authority for environmental issues at the state level is the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Relations (MOFTER). More specifically, MOFTER is responsible for carrying out tasks related to defining policies and basic principles, coordinating activities, and harmonizing plans of the entity authorities and bodies at the international level for environmental protection, development and the use of natural resources.
Republic of Srpska (RS)
The Ministry of Spatial Planning, Civil Engineering and Ecology of RS is responsible for the overall protection of environmental quality and its improvement through research, planning, management and protection measures, including the protection of assets of general interest, natural resources, and natural and cultural heritage. The Republic Hydrometeorological Institute of RS is the governmental organization responsible for climate change monitoring, climate data exchange and database management, applied research, and climate forecasts in the framework of the various scientific and technical programs of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO).
Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (FBiH)
The Ministry of Environment and Tourism of FBiH is responsible for air, water and soil protection, nature protection, waste management, development of the environmental protection policy and strategy according to sustainable development principles; environmental monitoring and oversight of air, water and soil quality; and the development of periodical reports related to the state of the environment. The FBiH Institute for Meteorology is an independent agency responsible for administrative and professional duties related to meteorology, seismology, hydrology, and water resources, as well as for monitoring environmental quality, including air, water and soil quality. Furthermore, it is responsible for the collection, processing and publishing of data related to these activities. The Law on hydrometeorological affairs, which was inherited from the Republic of Bosnia and Herzegovina/SFRY (RBosnia and Herzegovina 10/76), also applies to the institute and forms the legal basis for its work. This law details the tasks of the institute in the field of hydrology and meteorology. The institute is an active partner in communication with the WMO (BiH is a member), and it follows various WMO guidelines in its work in the field of meteorology and hydrology.
Inter-entity environment body
Based on decisions of RS and FBiH governments, an Inter-entity environment body has been formed. This Body deals with environmental issues which require consolidated approach of both entities. It also covers any other issues delegated to this Body by entities. This Inter-entity body is in charge for development of inter-entity environment protection plan.